me & wat I interested in..

This blog is actually written for self-expression.. and a little bit narcissistic gitu... mainly on things I cared for such as future, nature, education ect ect...
will also

salam keberkatan,
vaSe viRda

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the extremely rude Indon who works at a wedding card place...

Oh man... I choose LH Creative bcoz they have lots of positive comments, and were supposed to be a good one stop center for weddings cards and others..
Their front people are minah Indons... the grafik assistant are young malay girls... These indons ni Yuli , Linie and Yanie are so damn rude... that Yuli makes me wait for an hour before proses my form.. there were no customers that require any help at that time, the shop almost closing... but she walk here and there... talking and laughing on the phone..I was soo fed-up that I talk to the inside assistant telling her that all I want to do is to send the pictures, I already pay the deposit so... please dont make me wait any longer...
then the girl take the pictures and save it in one of the pc... and another pc as back-up.. so there you go they got 2 pcs with my selected pictures for the wedding card..
so ok laa, I though its done for now...but I really hate that Yuli for making me wait for more then an hour for nothing, so inconsiderate!!! as if my work everyday is shaking my legs..its raining cat and dog some more.
 yesterday either Linie or Yanie call, saying they dont have the pictures and ask me to emel it... put it under the att of Yanie, she said. owh great... what happen I asked? I already gave 5 selected pictures and another 20 as back-up just in case the quality is not good enough.. she said the computer were being reformatted.. ok fine..
so I emel, actly I already forgoten which pictures that the grafik assistant says a better choice, so I guess I should actually walk down there again (for the 3rd time mind you) and sit with the designer.. so I called,
Hey guess what there are no such person as Yanie... hahahaa... those Indons just make-up names so that they can get away if got troubles.. very clever...
I tell her that i should be talking to Yanie, she said no one names Yanie, this is LH Creative.. so I said somebody called me yesterday since you lost my pictures...(I was not allowed to finish my sentences) amboi tau apa budak indon tu cakap.. HEY BUKAN SAYA HILANGKAN GAMBAR ITU! SAYA SUDAH TOLONG BAGITAU. APA LU MAU LAGI? SUDAH KATA GAMBAR ITU TAK ADA. MAU TUDUH SAYA!!! wah wah... pas tu lagi mengata aku kat belakang, as if I can't hear it she complaint to somebody else, marah-marah aku..kurang ajar Indon nih!!!

c'mon.. LH CREATIVE, for God sake... treat your customer nicely... stop annoying the bride-to-be... we have more other things to worry about than your stupid attitude..

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